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For companies

Login and registration

To use ProfondConnect, you first need to register. You have received an activation letter with your personal code for this purpose. To complete your registration, follow the instructions under "Registration", making sure you have your personal code at hand.
What if you have not received an activation letter or if the activation code has expired? If so, please contact our customer service department.

How to start using ProfondConnect

You can access ProfondConnect using the following link: https://pc.profond.ch


In order to be able to use ProfondConnect, you need to register first. You have received an activation letter with your personal code for this purpose.

To offer the highest level of security, ProfondConnect works with 2-factor authentication, i.e. the same as for on-line banking. You must, therefore, also provide a mobile phone number when you register.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Open https://pc.profond.ch/register.
  2. Select the language at the top right.
  3. Enter the personal code shown in your letter and click “Continue”.
  4. Add your e-mail address.
  5. You will receive an e-mail with the subject line «Complete user account setup».
  6. If you do not receive the e-mail within 10 minutes, please check your spam/junk folder.
    Call us if you have not received an e-mail there, either. We will be happy to help you.
  7. Enter the access code in the input window below and click "Continue".
  8. Complete the missing information, accept the Terms of Use and click “Next”.
  9. Set and a secure password and confirm it.
  10. Please enter your mobile telephone number in the following format and press «Continue»:
    Switzerland: +41 (79) 000 00 00 
    Germany: +49 (174) 1234567 
    Austria: +43 (000) 1234567 
    France: +33 (6) 12345678
    Italy: +39 (32) 1234567
    UK: +44 (7447) 040461
  11. You will receive a six-digit SMS code
  12. Please enter the six-digit code and select "Confirm and complete". If you have not received a code, you canhave it sent to you again at “Send again”. If you do not receive the code within 10 minutes, please call us.                      
  13. You can now log in to the portal.

If you have any technical questions, please e-mail your contact person at Profond. We will be happy to help you with technical issues at info@profond.ch.

Registration with multiple portals

Are you using ProfondConnect both as an employer and as an insured person? Then you previously had the opportunity to connect the portals to each other by using the same e-mail address when registering. Today, this is no longer possible for data protection reasons and you can only switch from the company portal to your insured person portal. To get back to the company portal, you will need to sign in again. 

We recommend that you register with two different e-mail addresses. We recommend that you use your business e-mail address for the company portal and the private e-mail address for the insured person portal. This means that access to your data remains secure in the event of your possible retirement. Even in the case of termination of employment with your employer, you will continue to have access to your data for a certain period of time. 

If you have already registered with the same e-mail address and would like to change this, you will find the setting in the user profile.

Management by insurance brokers

If the occupational pension is managed by an insurance broker, you can grant him/her access to your company portal. To do so, you only need your broker's first name, last name and e-mail address. You can add your broker at "Delete/register user" in the user settings. The broker will then be informed about the new access by e-mail and will be able to register with their own login details.

More than one user for the company portal

You can also set up more than one user for the company portal. Exact instructions can be found at "User settings".

Forgot password

If you have forgotten your password, you can request a new one by clicking on “Forgot your password?”. You will then be able to log in with your new password. 

Forgot your password

Once you have successfully logged in, you will be asked to set a new password of your own. 

Homepage and menu


On the homepage, you will find helpful information and new features, details of your contact person at Profond and useful links relating to Profond and occupational pensions. The title bar is located at the top and the navigation area is on the left.

Title bar

The title bar at the top edge of the screen contains a range of functions, as well as your documents and settings.

Title bar


1. Menu icon
The navigation column at the left edge of the screen can be toggled on and off using the menu icon.

2. ProfondConnect Logo
Clicking on the ProfondConnect logo will always take you back to the homepage. 

3. Quick selection
You can switch between different portals using the quick selection in the drop-down list. This is the case if you administer several company portals. You can read about how to link two portals to each other in the "Registration with multiple portals" section.

4. Tasks
The changes and notifications you have initiated or saved temporarily can be viewed in tasks. Various filter criteria help you to better find the tasks you are looking for. With a double click, you can call up your temporarily saved changes and notifications for further processing.

5. Messages
All documents addressed to you can be found in chronological order in Messages. Here again, filter criteria will help you find specific documents. You can see from the "topic" column the area to which the message relates. "PF" stands for "occupational pension" and "AC" for "accounting".

Once a new document arrives, all of your registered users will receive an automatic e-mail message.

6. Three dots menu
By clicking on the three dots alongside your user name you open the user settings and log out of ProfondConnect. Details on the settings can be found in the "User settings" section.

Log out

Always log out when you finish using ProfondConnect. To do so, click on the three dots menu alongside your user name and select "Log out".

Log out

Navigation, menu

By using the Navigation area, you can find all of the information and functions you need to manage your occupational pension. In the "Employer", "Insured Persons", "Salaries" and "Simulations" sections you will find descriptions of each individual menu item.


The search function above the navigation allows you to search directly for individual insured persons. The results are displayed arranged in different tabs. In the "Management of insured persons" tab, you can enter changes and notifications directly to the insured person. To do so, click on the three dots menu on the right edge of the line. 



Mark the menu items you frequently use as favourites by clicking on the star. Your favourites are listed above the menu item, so that you can find them quickly. Clicking on the star again deactivates the favourite you have set.


"Employer" contains details on your employees. Here you can submit amendments, such as salary changes, changes of address or notifications of incapacity for work to us directly.

Master sheet

The master sheet provides information on allocations to plans, contracts and settlement terms and contributions invoiced. 

Account Statement 

Account Statement contains your invoices, credits and accounting entries. In this context, filter functions will help you to search for specific items. You can, for example, have only outstanding invoices displayed or accounting entries within a certain period. 

Invoices are also sent to you in the messages. If a new document arrives, you will automatically receive a notification. Read more about the messages here.

Employer contribution reserve

Under "Employer contribution reserve", you can see your outstanding account balance for your employer contribution reserves account. 

Contribution evaluation

For example, to transfer the contributions of your employees to your payroll accounting system, you can create a contribution evaluation for a specific time period. Your request will be processed by us and the document will be made available in your messages. You will receive an e-mail from us with the subject "New information in your ProfondConnect" as soon as the contribution analysis is available.

To do so, proceed as follows:

  1. Go to "Employer" - "Contribution analyses"
  2. Select "Valid range"
  3. In the drop-down menu, select: "Valid contribution analysis in the period"
  4. Click on "Check" and then send your request
  5. After submission, you will find the contribution analysis as an Excel list directly in your messages
Contribution evaluation

Insured persons

List of insured persons – information

Here, you will find a list of your employees with information relevant to the occupational pension. You can sort the list by clicking on the column header. Similarly, you can set an individual column width by moving between the corresponding column headers and adjusting the column as required.

In the insured persons list, salaries and employee contributions can also be viewed. By default, a validity of two years and until the end of the current year is displayed, which means that future changes are also listed. If you want to display the contributions without future changes, proceed as follows: uncheck the validity period and enter a reference date.

If you would like to make a change or submit a notification, switch to the "Management of insured persons" menu item.

Management of insured persons (changes and notifications)

The changes and notifications listed below can be submitted to us using Management of insured persons:

  • Change of address (can also be reported by the insured persons themselves using ProfondConnect)
  • Notification of incapacity for work     
  • Exit announcement     
  • Contribution calculation     
  • Change in Salary     
  • Retirement     
  • Change of personal data     
  • Change of plan     
  • Notification of death     
  • Leave     
  • Insured details
  • Seasonal break   
  • Change of civil status
  • Registration of flexible retirement 

Mark or select the person concerned from the list. Using the three dots menu on the right end of the line or by right clicking on the line, you can call up the selection for the action required.

Versichertenmanagement (Mutationen und Meldungen) EN

Multiple mutations for the same insured person

Please keep to the time sequence when entering multiple mutations.


  1. plan change as per 1.2.2023
  2. salary change as of 1.4.2023

If you have already entered the wage change before reporting the plan change, the wage report will be deleted automatically. Please enter this mutation again. If it is not possible to enter a retroactive change in ProfondConnect, your contact person in Pension Support will be happy to help you.

Salary notifications as part of total portfolio

In Management of insured persons, data entry always relates to the person selected. Salary notifications at the beginning of the year and over the course of the year relating to all employees can be found in separate menu items.  

Notification of admission

Admission of a new employee can be notified under the "Entry of an insured person" menu item.

Notification of incapacity for work

A notification of incapacity for work can be entered in full and the necessary documents can be uploaded directly in the portal. To send further documents on the case after the report has been submitted, please use the contact form.

After the notification of incapacity the case will be processed by Profond. The company and the insured person will then receive a confirmation in the messages within ProfondConnect. The confirmation contains detailed information, such as information on incapacity for work, exemption from contributions or amounts invoiced. A detailed description of the notification can be found here

Termination notification

Before termination, please check (under Management of insured persons – Details of insured persons) the address and, if necessary, implement a change of address prior to termination. You can then submit notification of the termination.

Termination notification

Time changes are processed

We process changes only on the first or last day of a given month. 

On the first day:

  • Admissions
  • Salary changes

On the last day:

  • Terminations

The format for entering dates is MM.YYYY with the entry of the month being automatically completed with the current year. 

Admissions and salary changes made by the 15th day of the month are notified retroactively to the 1st day of the current month and terminations to the last day of the previous month. From the 16th day of the month, the 1st day of the next month or the last day of the current month will apply. Assistance is provided to guide you through the regulation saved in the system.

Admission of an insured person

For the notification of an admission, you must provide a valid social security number. Enter this number and the start date of the insurance, and then enter the necessary data.

Eintritt EN


Following notification of affiliation you will receive a confirmation of registration with the provisional monthly employee and employer contributions. You will receive the definite contributions once we have completed processing.

If you need to generate a payslip before you have a social security number, you can perform a provisional calculation in ProfondConnect. Details on this can be found in the "Simulations / Contribution calculation" section.


Salary report at the start of the year

Please report the salaries of all of your employees to us at the beginning of the year. We will send you a letter informing you of the timing of the notification.

So that you do not have to enter all of the salaries by hand, you can download a list with the most recently reported salaries shortly before the salary report. They can be found under the "Salary report template" menu item. Enter the new salaries in the table and save it locally. Then open the "Salary report at the start of the year" menu item, upload the completed salary report template again and add any missing details.

Salary changes during the year

You can also report salary changes for the total portfolio of your employees simply using ProfondConnect. Once you have entered the cut-off date, a list of your employees with the information relevant to salaries will be displayed. Enter the new salaries in the list or download the salary change template beforehand via the menu item of the same name. Adjust the salary change template and then upload it again via the "Salary changes during the year" menu item. 


Contribution calculation

ProfondConnect provides you, as an employer, a simple provisional contribution calculation. You can use it to calculate the insured salary, the provisional monthly contributions and the administrative expenses for your employees and for you as an employer.

1. Calculate contributions
To do so, enter all of the data required via the "Contribution calculation" menu item and select "Calculate". 

2. Result with details of contribution
You will get a view showing the insured salary, the total annual contribution and the employee’s monthly contribution and the total annual contribution for you as an employer. Clicking on "Contribution details" will provide you with a detailed overview of all contributions for the employee and you as an employer.


Contribution evaluation

3. Document for your records
Clicking on "Create document" generates a PDF file of the overview.

4. Benefits
The entire pension plan is required to calculate the benefits for your employees. To do so, go to the "Employer" menu item and select the relevant pension plan at "Master Sheet".

Contact form

Use the contact form for your requests and to send us documents, e.g. the registration list for your insured persons.

User settings

At the right of the title bar you will find your user name that you used to log in. Clicking on your user name or the three dots menu opens the menu for the user settings.

Benutzereinstellungen EN

User profile

In the user profile you can modify your user settings.

User profile


  • User name and language settings
    You can use the "Edit" button to change your user name, your name and the language setting for ProfondConnect. Please note that these changes will not be activated until the next time you log into ProfondConnect.
  • Change password
    Click on "Change password" to set a new password for ProfondConnect.
  • Change e-mail address
    To change your e-mail address, click on the "Change e-mail address" button and enter your new e-mail address into the form.
  • Set up 2-factor authentication
    ProfondConnect works with 2-factor authentication to give you the highest level of security. If you have not set it up yet, under the title "Multi-factor authentication" click on the "Change" button and follow the instructions. If possible, set up 2-factor authentication when registering as a new user. See the chapter "Delete/register user".
  • Change telephone number
    To change your phone number, under the title “Multi-factor authentication” click the “Change” button.

Delete/register user

Enter new user

Click on "New" to access the entry interface. 

Enter new user


Enter the e-mail address and click Next. Now proceed as follows:

  • Enter the first name, last name and language of the new user on the following input screen.
  • Also enter the desired permissions here. New users can only be added by people with the "Connect Administrators" permission level.
  • Under the title "Multi-factor authentication", click on "Set up".
Enter new user


2-factor authentication
To offer the highest level of security, ProfondConnect works with 2-factor authentication, i.e. the same as for on-line banking. To complete this step, you need the support of the person to be registered. Enter the mobile phone number of the new user. The newly registered person will receive an SMS with a six-digit code. Enter it, confirm with "OK" and save the input.

Set up SMS code


Confirm your identity again with your password. Now the new user can log into ProfondConnect.

If the e-mail address you enter has already been saved in the system (e.g. for partners who manage several affiliations), you will not need to register a new user and the partner will be able to start using ProfondConnect directly.

Logging in as a new user
As a newly registered person, go to https://pc.profond.ch/ and click on "Forgot your password?", so that you can set your password.



Enter your e-mail address and select "Continue". You will receive an e-mail with an access code. Enter this in the following window and confirm again with "Continue".

Input access code


Once you have successfully logged in, you will be asked to set a new password of your own. After that, you will be registered successfully as a new user.

Change password

Editing details for existing users

Under "Delete/register user" you can amend the information for existing users. To do so, mark the relevant line in the last and select "Detail" to access the amendment interface.

Edit User


  • Amend the first name, surname, display name, language and theme permissions
    By clicking on "Edit" (below the title), you can amend the first name, surname, display name, language and theme permissions. Then save your changes.
  • Amend mobile phone number
    To amend the mobile phone number, under the title " Multi-factor authentication " click on the "Edit" button and enter the new number.
  • 2-factor authentication
    If you haven't set up 2-factor authentication yet, you can add it. Save your selection by clicking "Save" and follow the instructions.
Editing details for existing users

Block user

Access to ProfondConnect can be blocked for a user under "Delete/register user". To make this change, you will need "connect-Administrators" rights.

To do so, mark the relevant line in the list and select "Detail" to access the amendment interface.

Edit details for existing unsers - klick for details


Click on "Edit" (below the title), tick the box "Disabled" and save your entry.

Benutzer deaktivieren EN

Client administration

In client administration you will find all of the user accounts to which you have access. The list corresponds to the selection in the drop-down menu of the quick selection (in the title bar). You can add an alias name to the individual clients. Afterwards, the aliases will be displayed in the quick selection.

Client administration